If you represent a major brand of equipment, chances are you have co-op funds at your disposal. Most manufacturers offer co-op funds, but it can be difficult to know how to use them. At MPW Marketing, we have extensive knowledge when it comes to manufacturer co-op. We’ll help you navigate the waters and maximize your co-op dollars - helping you use them in the best possible way for your HVAC company.

Co-op funds often come with conditions for use, but at MPW, we know how to make those funds work in a way that enhances your budget, your advertising, and your bottom line. Our team has extensive knowledge when it comes to your co-op, from creating marketing materials that will easily receive the manufacturer stamp of approval, to helping you get the reimbursement you deserve. We work directly with the manufacturer for you, taking the guesswork - and the stress - out of making the most of your co-op dollars.

MPW Marketing has the experience you need to make the most of your HVAC co-op reimbursement.

At MPW, we offer our HVAC clients the services they need to help achieve growth and success. We’ll help you maximize your co-op dollars by providing you with a broad spectrum of advertising services. Choose us for your:


They help us plan our year, optimize our coop usage, help uncover the smartest ways to spend our money, and they’ve helped us grow. If you’re looking for a full-service marketing team you can trust, who’s fighting your corner, then you should definitely give MPW a second look.”

Todd Danz
Co-Owner, Family Danz Heating & Cooling

MPW Marketing client since the year 2011